WIMISOM organized a Consultation and Input meeting for Journalism Manual Book which we it is developing to enhance journalists’ understanding of the profession and improve their practice. The meeting brought together media experts with an extensive experience in the media profession and a deep understanding of the media context in Somalia. The aim of the meeting was to solicit input from the participants with the aim to contribute to the improvement of the format and contents of the book.

A brief presentation of the book format and contents (chapters, lessons) was made by Yahye Mohamed, WIMISOM Head of Programs. The presentation also covered the general intent of the book as well as the intended audience of the book which are early-career journalists whom the book is envisioned to increase their knowledge of the profession and improve their practice.

After the presentation, Nasro Abdirisak, WIMISOM Executive Director led a discussion of the book contents focusing on big themes, chapter contents, and general input on the format and arrangement of the contents of the book. Based on their extensive experience, the participants have made meaningful contributions which will have a good effect on the quality of the book.

The book is thought to address the challenge of the language barrier since most manuals and books on journalism are written in the English language. The book will also fill the knowledge gap of early-career journalists who did not attend journalism schools or did not benefit from basic journalism trainings since the book also can be used for self-study.

The book covers many topics including the basics of journalism such as interviews, news reporting, editing, media laws, journalism ethics, safety, digital media, reporting on human rights violations, production of stories, and investigative journalism.